Georges River Sailing Club is a community club that caters to sailors of all ages, genders and abilities.
For nearly 100 years we have been here for members and families to enjoy the sport of sailing on Botany Bay.
The heart of our club is our volunteers. All ages, sailors or not, our volunteers keep things running on an 'even keel'. Learn to Sail, Club Racing, Regattas, and day to day maintenance, our volunteers always put their hands up.
If you would like to be an active member of GRSC, send your details with what you would be interested in here.
If you are not a member of GRSC but would like to help out, you're more than welcome to volunteer as well!
Note whether you would like to be on water, or off water. If you have particular skills, or if you can be available for a particular regatta.
Roles include:
- Registration, sign on/off
- BBQ duty
- Beach dolly management
- Traffic carpark management
- Boat park management
- On water roles - start/finish boat, mark boat, rescue/support boat
Fill out the form on our here.